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79 487 bytes (77.62K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:39
Download count:
all-time: 595



            _      _____
            \    _/     \_
·           /    |   "   |                 ·
:       \/\/    __\_\_/_/__    \_ /\       :
¦          \  _/     _     \_  /\/\        ¦
|         _/\/|  g®m / e^D  |___/          |
|            __\___________/__             |
|____      ./                 \.       ____|
    (______| epsilon /\ design |_______)
  " Salad·Snowmen·And·Them·Psycho·Santas "

              this colly is dedicated to santas little helper

                           "you rule, dog-dude!"

                              r e l e a s e d

                               24 . 12 . 95

               the day when
                           a) Santa Claus was borned
                           b) Grimlock made a funny joke
                           c) Jesus Christ, the son of God,
                              was borned.
                           d) Legus Krayzt, the son of Mr.
                              Dromedary, was horned.. uh...

                         ¦_)                (_¦
                         |                    |
    ______          ____________ ___    ___  _____         ____
 ___\  __//_________\ _        /_\ /____\ _\/    /__¡      \__/
 |     /__ _     |    /       /|     |     \/       |   ____\/____
 |       /       |    _      (_|_    |     |        |   \--\/\/--/
 |___   /        |____|        |)____|_____|        |      /  \
    )____________!    |________|     !     !________!
          _____           ____________   ______           __   ____________
     _____\   |        ___\ ___       |__\ ___//      ____\   /           /
     \        |--------|     |        |    |----------|    __/        ___/
              |        |     |   st!  |    |          |    \           \
_ ________    !        |___  !        |___ !          |_____\           \__
        )______________! )____________!  )____________!      \____________/

                         |_                  _|
                         ¦ )________________( ¦

          o f  t h e s e  e x t r e m e l y  l e g o  c r e w s :

                         |                      |
                         |                      |
                         |_                    _|
                        __/                    \_
                         |                      |
                         |                      |
        .           .    |    _                 |       .         .
      _/l____     _/l____|____)\_  ._____. _____|     _/l____   _/l____
    __\ ____/  .__\ __    \_ __ /__|     |/    /|_  __\ __   \__\ __   \
   /   \/_/----:   \//     /__\/   \     |    /   \/   \//    \  \//    \
 _/      \     l_ _ _ ____/  /     :\_   |  _/     \_    \     \  /      \_
 \ ____________.//    | _ _________:_/   l_________ /__________/_/    _ __/
  \/           l______|  |         ¦   _ _/nUp! | \/            /
                      :  |         :            |              /
            .         .  |     _   .          . |          .  ·
          _/l____   _/l__|_.___)\_  ._____. _/l_|____    _/l____
        __\ __   \__\ ____/|  __ /__|     |_\ ___   / .__\ __   \
       /   \//    \  \/_/--l___\/   \     |  \/_/__/__:   \//    \
     _/    _/      \   \      /      \_   |    \_     |    /      \_ _ _
     \ ____________/__ _ _/\  _ _ ___ /___l____       ¦__ /________//
      \/                 |  \/      \/        `-------' \/
                         |                      |
                         |cenobite · chrombacher|
                         | crusader·fatal·frame |
                         _/                    \__
                         | and little grimlock! |
                         |                      |
                         |                      |

                        |               . .......................... .
                        |               ..:                        :..
    ______________  ____|_______        :                            :
    \        ___ /__\  __      /________:__._____.   _______________ :
     \        \/  _   _|/        ___      /|     |  _\ ___         / :
      \_______   /|   \      /\  \/      /_|     |__\  \/         /__:___._
          /_____/ |____\     \_\_______   __     __      ________/   :   |/
                        \_____/dto/m's \__\|     |/__/\_____\        :  _|
                                        :  |_____|                   :  \/
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        |||:| || |||| |             \|  :                            :
        |||:| || |||| |       _______|__:____                        :
        |||:| || |||| |     ,¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾.                      :
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       5||00182|553308|>  . ¾¾¾:    ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ .                    :
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                         ·: ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾    :¾¾¾ :·                   :
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      \   __     __   _     _    \)              _    \/           / :
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                      :              |  :..                        ..:
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                         \|                                         |
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                          :          |                              :

         :_\                                                       /_:
         ¦                                                           |
         : · lORD cHAOS · gRAVEDANCER · U-mAN · cOUNt zERO · mAGZ! · |
          __________  __.         __________  __________  __.        ¦
         _) .      (__) |_________) .      (__) .      (__) |__      :
         |  |_________  _        |  |        |  |        |  __/______.
         |___        |  |        |  |        |  |        |  |        |
         |  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        |
         |  ¦        :  |        :  ¦        :  ¦        :  ¦        |
         |_ :        ___|        __ :        __ :        __ :    sYz |
           \_________|  |________| \_________| \_________| \_________|
         |__                                                       __¦
         : /_______________________________________________________\ :

                   a n d  t h e  p r e s t i g o u s ...

                   . _ ^ _   _ .    _                  _
                 - g r i m l o c k  ( t h e  g r o u p ) -

                p r e s e n t o s  d e l  a  f o n k o s :

      _/\  __                                                   __  /\_
         \/ |     " Salad Snowmen And Them Psycho Santas "      | \/
____________|______________________       ______________________|____________
            |    o   o  o   o    _/       \_ O      o  O        |
            | · o   o O   ·   O  | _  "  _ |   o  O ·   . o  O  |
            |  O        o. o · o | (_____) | o .      o o   · o |
            | .   O. ·      .   __\__\_/__/__   O  ·O      o   .|
            | o      ·  O ___ _/     \_/     \_ ___  o . O   O  |
            |   o  .  o _/   \|      /¯\      |/   \_   o  ·    |
            |  ·  O o   |     |     /o O\     |     |      o  o |
            | O .     o  \___/|    /o O o\    |\___/ O  O   .   |
            |    O ·      ·  __\___\  o  /___/__      .o  O   O |
            |  o    .O  o  _/       \O o/       \_ o     ·  o  .|
            |     o    O . |         \_/         |    o  o    · |
            |   O   o      |                     | O · ·  .O  o |
            | O  o    · o ·|                     |  o .o o   · .|
____________|o____O_o___g®m|                     |e^D_______o___|____________
            ¦                                                   ¦
            :     e p s i l o n  ^  d e s i g n  ©  1 9 9 5     :

                   Ever heard a SnowDude Scream 'Salad'?

                           _/              \_
                           |-               |
                 __________|o               |
                / | | | | |                 |
                \_|_|_|_|_|_                |
                           |______          |
      s a l a d ! !              |          |
                             ____|          |
                             \_             |
                              l             |

                              ...I have...

                                / \__________
                               \|:·    .:|
                                |   _  ·:|
                         .____ _|___\/___|_ ____.
                         | ___\|    ||    |/___ |
                         |  `/ | ·  ||  · | \'  |
                                | _/  \_ |
                                | |    | |
                                | l____| |
                                |        |
                               _|   o _  |_
                              //|  \__/  |\\
                              /\          /\
                            _/ __        __ \_
                            |  _(        )_  |
                            |_ /          \ _|
                             \/            \/
                                \_ ____ _/
                                 | /||\ |
                      ____       |  ||  |       ____
                     /    \     _|__||__|_     /    \
                   _/      \____\________/____/      \_
        _ )_ ___g®m|__________________________________|e^D___ _( _
         (     _                                          _     )
          )    (×) p r e f a c e  b a b y - l o t i o n (×)    ( 
        _( _ ________________________________________________ _ )_
          )                                                    (

             Doobidobidoobidododo, I don't need yer looooove!

             Ops-i-doodle! Got a little carried away there...
             Yes,  finally  (..)  I am back with a new colly,
             this time released  under  the  najs  e^D-label.
             Yup, I have joined the desajners of epsilon, and
             I liiiiike it!
             The 2-3 last collies  of  mine  have  been kinda
             crappy, missing the spirit that I once  had.  My
             spirit is 100% back now, thanx to  these  boys :

              - Xcluziwe: he released ascii gazette  #1,  and
                          I could feel that old  scene-spirit
                          flow inside my  body,  and  I  felt
                          like  doing  some  asciis.  He made
                          me see the ascii-scene,  or  should
                          I use the  word 'ascii-family',  in
                          a totally  new perspective. Thanks!

              - Fatal: he  opened  his  board,  Another Step,
                       which  is  a  100%  pure  ascii-board.
                       That made the family-picture complete,
                       and  I  simply  HAD to do some asciis!
                       He also asked  (begged =]) me  to join
                       e^D, which I  obviously  did.  Man,  I
                       love both him  and  his board. Thanks!

             Now you know where  to  send those mail-bombs!!!
             I also want to greet and thank those who greeted
             me in their collies.  Hell,  I  get  so  fucking
             happy/surprised every  time  I  see my name in a
             respect-list, or if I get a najs  message  in  a

             Okey, enuff sentimental lego-words...
             It's  christmas,  and  we are all supposed to be
             happy. My legodudes  aren't  that angry with me,
             anymore, and the amount of people  who  want  to
             kick  my  butt  have  decreased  heavily.  Thank
             das  lego-god  for  that.  Even  though, I would
             enjoyed to get spanked once  in a  while..jaja..
             It's  phucking  cold  here in Norway, around 20°
             on the wrong  side. I  hate  the  winter, I hate
             it so much! It's  fun to build  snowmen, though,
             but it's NOT kool  to  freeze  my nuts off while
             building them. Argh.

             bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.. wish   I  knew
             a funny joke. But  I don't.  Could  really  need
             a laugh now.. hm.... 

             Let's  talk  about  the  title  of  this  colly;
             " Salad  Snowmen And  Them Psycho  Santas ".....
             If  snowmen  was  made  of  salad, then we could
             eat them,  after  building  them. But I guess we
             wouldn't  call  them  Snowmen, then... and salad
             makes  my  stumach  scream 'Ragnarok is near!'..
             Santas   are  psycho-maniacs.  Why   else  would
             they   spen d  millions  of  dollars  on  stupid
             presents,  and  wear  those  stupid, red clothes
             and  that   rebellous,   white   beard?   I   am
             telling you, those  dudes  are  totally  insane!
             Then again, aren't we all a little weird?

             Okkkkey... I  will  stop  this  playmobil  of  a
             text, and get  on  with  the  colly.  Hope   you
             will enjoy it,  as  much  as  I  loved  breaking
             my hand last winter... karamba-o-hoy!

                  - el grimlocko / epsilon design^grotesticle
                                   shoot^grimlock (the group)

                i f  t h e  w o r l d  w a s  p e r f e c t

          w e  w o u l d  a l l  l o o k e d  l i k e  t h i s  :

                           .__|   |____))_
                           |       --__   \.
                           |       __      |
                           |              _|
                           |.  _  --     (·|__
                           |   /   - /\/\ ____)
                           |__/    __   _/_ |
                           |      __ _  | (_|
                            |  _  _  _    (_)
                            |  (  \ _/  _ / \
                            |   \  \|   //   \
                            |___/  /|_  \\   /
                             | /__/  \___\\_/
                             |(__)    /  / | 
                            _|       ////  |____

    a  c l o n e  b e t w e e n  a  l e g o - d u d e  a n d  h o m e r

                    ·       _____________________       ·
                  ..:______(                     )______:..
                    |                                   |
                    |                                   |
                    |     Jeg gikk en tur på stien      |
                    |               Stien              _|
                    |               Stian              \_
                    |     Jeg gikk en tur på stian      |
                    |_              Gikk                |
                    _/              Fikk                |
                    |     Jeg fikk en tur på stian      |
                  __|_                                 _|__
                  \ |  - "Homofiliens løgnaktige ytre"  | /
                   \|                 av Grimlock (tm)  |/
                    \_ _                             _ _/
                _ __|///                             \\\|__ _

                                 _________      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | acid is coming online       |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                     to acid |||
                      |                             |||

:     _______._______       ____         _____. :.............................
: .___\____  | _____/___.___\__/___._____\____| :                            :
__|      _/  | \        |          |      ___/l__ _ __                       :
\___.       _l_.       _l_.       _l_.       ___////_/  iS cOminG OlinE....  :
:   l_______\  l_______\  l_______\  l_______\  :                            :
:                                  g®m/e^D      :............................:

                                   .___.        ||||||||||||
                   observe! -->  __|___|__      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | amiga                       |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                     to size |||
                      |                             |||

       _______.    __________.      ______.      _________        _______.
: .____\_____ l_.__\         l__.___\_____l___.__\ ______/___.____\_____ l_. :
. |       __/   |               |             |    \__       |       __/   | .
  |             |               |             |              |             |
· |   _         |      _        |             |              |             | ·
__|g®m/         |      /        |             |              |             |__
\___ /e^D     __l____\/       __l__         __l__          __l__           __/
·  (__________)      /________)   (_________)   (__________)   (___________) ·
: zim zalla bim! you've just joined the aMIGa conference... Enjoy your stay! :

                                 ___((____      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
                   ._______.   _/         \_    ||||||||||||
                   |       |   |           |    ||||||||||||
                   | d'oh! |   |     _     |    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                   |_______| /\/  ___"    /\/    \________/
                         |     |  \______  |         ||
                         |___  |  |  o  |  |         ||
                            ____\_|_____|_/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | another step                |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                    to fatal |||
                      |                             |||

    ·    ___________________________________________________________    ·
. ..:___(            _ _                          _ _               )___:.. .
    |                (·)  a n o t h e r  s t e p  (·)                   |
    |_____.  _______.   ______.   ___.      ___.       _______    ______|_
   __\____l__\__    l___\     l___\  l______\ _l_______\ ____/____\ __   /
 __\    _/     |                     _/       \__        _/         \_ _/____
 \__      _____|    _____  "  _____      _______|   ____       ______|    __/
   (______)    |____)   (_____)   (______)      l___)  (_______)     |____)
    |                    © authorized lego system ©                     |
    |        .______     ___.         ________     ________.            |
    |        | ____/_____\  l_________\ _____/_____\       l_           |
    |   _ ___l_____         _/          _/           __     /___ _      |
    |   \\\__        _____        _____        _____ \_________///      |
    |       (________)g®m(________)e^D(________)   (_____)              |
    |                                ___                                |
    |                             .__\_/__.                             |
    |       online ascii-pumpin'  |       |  online ascii pumpin'       |
    |                             | \ " / |                             |
    | pure ascii madness   _______|__\_/__|_______   pure ascii madness |
    |                     /     _           _     \                     |
    |    lame sysop     ./ _    \__       __/    _ \.    lame sysop     |
    |                   |  /  _  |/ fatal \|  _  \  |                   |
    |    retarded users |_/ _ \  |_       _|  / _ \_| retarded users    |
    |                    \  (  _/ (_______) \_  )  /                    |
. ..|____   utopia?       \_   |    ( _ )    |   _/       utopia?   ____|.. .
    :   (_________________ |___| __ |/|\| __ |___| _________________)   :
    .                      (___(    | | |    )___)                      .

                               /       \
                             _/ /\_     \_
              .___________. (_\/ |/      |      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
              |           |      |_______|      ||||||||||||
              | h o - h o |     (_________)     ||||||||||||
              |___________|    _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                        |      |  ___"     |     \________/
                        |      |\_\___ ___/|         ||
                        |___   |           |         ||
                            ____\   o     /____      ||
                   ______ _/     \       /     \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|       \     /       |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        \   /        |        |
                 |        |         \_/         |        |
                  \______/|                     |\______/
                        ___\___________________/___  ||
                      _/                           \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | asce # 8                    |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                   to myself |||
                      |                             |||

           __________    ._________     _________      _________
       .___\______  /_.  | _______/__.__\ ._____/___.__\ ______/___.
       |        _/    |__l________.  |    |         |    __/       |
       |              |           |  |    |         |              |
       |              |           |  |    |         |              |
       |              |           |  |    |         |              |
   _ __|g®m_          |           |  |    |         |              |__ _
   \\\___  /e^D      _l_          l _l_   l        _l_            ___///
        /____________\ /____________\ /____________\ /____________\

                                n u m e r o
                               \           /
                                \    ¡    /
                            .____\   |   /____.
                            |        |        |
                            |        |        |
                            |        |        |
                        _ __|g®m_    |        |__ _
                        \\\___  /e^D l       ___///

                                                  /\    /\
                            /\               /\   || /\ ||
                            \ \_____________/ /   || || ||
                             \__/   ___   \__/    |l_|l_||
                               |  ___"     |       \____/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/                   \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|                     |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |  Six Six Six Satan  |        |
                 |        |                     |        |
                  \______/|       Snowdude      |\______/
                        ___\___________________/___  ||
                      _/                           \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | b·boys file_id              |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                   to snuffy |||
                      |                             |||

  ___.     ___.     _____    .___   .____
._\ _l___._\ _l___._\   /_.__|  /_._| __/__.
|   \__  |   \__  |       |  |    | l___.  |
|       <->       |   "   |  l    |     |  |
g®m/e^D _l_      _l_     _l_____ _l_    l _l
 /______\ /______\ /_____\  /____\ /______\
               b · b o y s

                                 _________      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | cenobite                    |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                 to cenobite |||
                      |                             |||

    ___ _                                                          _ ___
    \ ________________________________________________________________ /
  _ |\                                                                /| _
   \|/                                                                \|/
   _¦_____   ______   _____.    ____    ___.      ___.    __.      ____¦_
 ._\ .___/___\ ___/___\__  l___(    )___\ _l______\__l____\ l______\ ___/_.
_|   |         _/       |                 \_                 _/      _/   l_
\__  l    ___      _____|   ___  ¦¦  ___      ___      ___      ___      __/
  (_______) (______)g®m l___) (______) (______) (______) (______) (______)
    ¦                 /e^D                                             ¦
  _/|\                                                                /|\_
    /___ _                                                        _ ___\

                                   .___.        ||||||||||||
                   observe! -->  __|___|__      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | chrombacher                 |||
                      |                             |||
                      |              to chrombacher |||
                      |                             |||

                                                                _ ____/\
     ·   _____________________________________________________________. \
   ..:__(                                                             | /
     |                                          c h r o m b a c h e r |/
     |______   ___.     ________   ____     _____.                   _/
   ._( .___/___\ _l_____\ __   /._(    )___(     l_.     e ^ D       \|__
_ _|   |         \_       \_ _/_|   ..             |_ _               |
\\\__  l    ______/  ______/   ___  ¦¦  ____\/    __///               |
    (_______)g®m /___)e^D /____) (______)   /_____)                   |
     |            ___.       ____.   ______   ___.     ______   ______|_
 _ __|__        ._\ _l_______\___l___\ .__/___\ _l_____\ ___/___\ __   /
     | /     _ _|   \__        _/      |        \_       _/       \_ _/___ _
     |/_____ \\\__       ___      ___  l   ______/  ___      ______/   __///
     /           (_______) (______) (______)    /___) (______)    /____)

                                 ___((____      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
                   ._______.   _/         \_    ||||||||||||
                   |       |   |           |    ||||||||||||
                   | d'oh! |   |     _     |    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                   |_______| /\/  ___"    /\/    \________/
                         |     |  \______  |         ||
                         |___  |  |  o  |  |         ||
                            ____\_|_____|_/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | confs (conferances)         |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                     to size |||
                      |                             |||

     ______________                                       ._____________
  .__\ .__________/___.                                   |  __________/___.
  |    |              |                                .__l____________.   |
  |    |              |  _______    ___.        _______|_ _            |   |
  |    |            _ __(       )__(  .|_______(   _____///            |   |
  |    |            \\\__. ` ' .___.  ||   .___.  ._/  |               |   |
  |    |       _      |  |     |   |__|l   |   |  |    |               |   |
__|    |    g®m/      l__`-----'      `----'   `--'  __|               |   l__
\__    l      /e^D    __//   C o n f e r e n c e S  \\__               l   __/
  /___________________\                                /___________________\

                               /       \
                             _/ /\_     \_
              .___________. (_\/ |/      |      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
              |           |      |_______|      ||||||||||||
              | h o - h o |     (_________)     ||||||||||||
              |___________|    _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                        |      |  ___"     |     \________/
                        |      |\_\___ ___/|         ||
                        |___   |           |         ||
                            ____\   o     /____      ||
                   ______ _/     \       /     \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|       \     /       |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        \   /        |        |
                 |        |         \_/         |        |
                  \______/|                     |\______/
                        ___\___________________/___  ||
                      _/                           \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | desoto                      |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                   to desoto |||
                      |                             |||

.__(                )__.
|                      |
|                      |
|      ____.   _______ ¦   ._______     ________.   ___.        ________.
¦ _____\___l___\ ____/_____|  ____/_____\       l___\  l________\       l_.
__\    ___/      _/        l_______                     _/                |
\__        _____        ____      l  ____   "   _____        ____   "   __l
¦ (________)e^D(________)  (_________)  (_______)g®m(________)  (_______)
|                      .
|                      ¦
|                      |
|   t h a n x  f o r   |
|                      |
|   t h e    l o g o   |
|                      |
|                      |
|   y o u    m a d e   |
|                      |
|   m y      d a y !   |
|                      |
|                      |
|   y o u  a r e   a   |
|                      |
|   t r u e  f i s k   |
|                      |
|                      |
|   m a y      t h e   |
|                      |
|   m  i  g  h  t  y   |
|                      |
|    l e g o m a n     |
|                      |
|   b e      w i t h   |
|                      |
|__    y  o  u  !    __|

                                                  /\    /\
                            /\               /\   || /\ ||
                            \ \_____________/ /   || || ||
                             \__/   ___   \__/    |l_|l_||
                               |  ___"     |       \____/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/                   \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|                     |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |  Six Six Six Satan  |        |
                 |        |                     |        |
                  \______/|       Snowdude      |\______/
                        ___\___________________/___  ||
                      _/                           \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | disco-fever-dude            |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                   to snuffy |||
                      |                             |||

   ((()())())   <--- fettet disco-fever frisyre
    (((    ))
   (__((  "____  <----- koteletter... ingen discofrisyre without'em!
     |(( _ .___)
     |   (_|     <----- ultra-klyse smil. Disco er gøy!
     |     |
   ____||_  <------- åpen krave for å vise håret på kassa og de utallige
  | .___)|\ ,///     fake-gullsmykkene (kan ikke sees på asciien..)
  | | |  | \/\/
  |_| |  |\  /  <---- skjorte trangere enn ei 5-årings grotte
  ///'|__| \/
     |   _)    <---- trang i skrittet for å fremheve de mer erotisk-
     l__ |           ladede områder på en naturskjønn kropp
       | |   
       | l
      /   \
     /     \ 
    /       \  <----- hippe panties med en diameter lik en jumbo-umbrella
      |    |  <-------- sjefs-fete plattings-tøfler

                                 _________      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | magz                        |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                     to magz |||
                      |                             |||

            :___(                                        )___:
        ___ |                                                | ___
     :_( ___|.             _______.   .______          ______|__  )_:
     |   \   l_____________\_____ l___| ____/__________\_____  /    |
     _ ___\                   __/     l \__           ________/____ _
    \\\\_____\/     _____         _____         _____ l       ____////
     |__    |/______)e^D(_________)   (_________)g®m(_________)   __|
     : (___ /                                                | ___) :
            |____     m a g z / g r o t e s t i c l e    ____|
            :   (________________________________________)   :

                                   .___.        ||||||||||||
                   observe! -->  __|___|__      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | mark ryder                  |||
                      |                             |||
                      |               to mark ryder |||
                      |                             |||

    .___(      .___________________________________________.      )___.
    |          |                                           |          |
    |          |                                           |          |
    |          |                                           |          |
    |          |                                           |          |
    |          |                                           |          |
    |_______   ¦           _________.   ___________        ¦.________ |
    ¦\     /_______________\_______ l___\ ___     /   ______|       / ¦
  _ __\                         __/       \__   _/____\    __      /____ _
  \\\_____\/       _____            ________|       ________|        __///
    ¦     /________)   (____________)       l_______)      .l________)
    __________ .  _______.            ______.   ________   ¦   ___________
  ._\ ___    / ¦  \      |____________\____ l___\ _____/_______\  ___    /
__|   \_   _/______\     l               _/       _/              \_   _/_____
\______|       ___________   _____          _____          ________|       __/
    .  l_______)   /_________)g®m(__________)e^D(__________)       l_______)
    ¦          ¦                                           ¦          ¦
    |          |                        _                  |          |
    |          |    m a r k  r y d e r  /  m o ' s o u l   |          |
    |          |                       ·                   |          |
    l____      l___________________________________________|      ____|

                                 ___((____      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
                   ._______.   _/         \_    ||||||||||||
                   |       |   |           |    ||||||||||||
                   | d'oh! |   |     _     |    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                   |_______| /\/  ___"    /\/    \________/
                         |     |  \______  |         ||
                         |___  |  |  o  |  |         ||
                            ____\_|_____|_/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | nock                        |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                     to nock |||
                      |                             |||

                  ·     ·        ·                          ·
        __________:     :________:      _________           :_______
     .__\____     l_____|        l_____(  ._____/___________|      /
     |      |                             |            _ ___l     /__.
 _ __|      |              _ " _          |            \\\__.        l__ _
 \\\________|      ____    (___)   _____  l        _________|       ___///
            l______\  /____________\e^D(___________\     g®ml_______\

                               /       \
                             _/ /\_     \_
              .___________. (_\/ |/      |      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
              |           |      |_______|      ||||||||||||
              | h o - h o |     (_________)     ||||||||||||
              |___________|    _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                        |      |  ___"     |     \________/
                        |      |\_\___ ___/|         ||
                        |___   |           |         ||
                            ____\   o     /____      ||
                   ______ _/     \       /     \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|       \     /       |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        \   /        |        |
                 |        |         \_/         |        |
                  \______/|                     |\______/
                        ___\___________________/___  ||
                      _/                           \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | raw fusion                  |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                     to size |||
                      |                             |||

       .__(                                                       )__.
       |                                                             |
       | ________________       ______________             __________|
     ._|_\   _.         / ._____\__________  /__.__________\        /__.
     |   _ _  l        /__|             __/     |          /\          |
     |   \\\__.           |                     |                      |
 _ __|g®m     |           |                     |                      |__ _
 \\\__________|         __l__                 __l__                  ____///
       |      |_________\   /_________________\e^D/__________________\
       ________ _          .______                 _______           |
___ __(  _____///     _ ___| ____/___ _       _ __(      /__ _       |
\\\\\_.  __/   ___.   \\\_.l____  __///  ___  \\\_.  `'  __/// __.   |
      l__\  __(   |______ l_______\ ____(__/_____ l______\  __(  |___|__ ___
       |    \_.   l   __/           \_.       __/           \___|l   __/////
       |      l_______\               l_______\                 l____\
       |                                                             |
       |           _  _ __ _   _           . _   _ __ _  _           |
       |                 (-) r A w   f U S I O n (-)                 |
       l___                                                       ___|

                                                  /\    /\
                            /\               /\   || /\ ||
                            \ \_____________/ /   || || ||
                             \__/   ___   \__/    |l_|l_||
                               |  ___"     |       \____/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/                   \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|                     |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |  Six Six Six Satan  |        |
                 |        |                     |        |
                  \______/|       Snowdude      |\______/
                        ___\___________________/___  ||
                      _/                           \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | sos file_id                 |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                 to xcluziwe |||
                      |                             |||

     ._______     _______.     ._______
     | _____/_____\      l___  | _____/__.
  .__l______.        ..     /__l______.  |
  |         |        ||               |  |
__|         |        ||               |  |__
\___        l ____        _____       l ___/
g®m(__________)  (________)e^D(_________)

                                 _________      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | stage dive                  |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                   to nurgle |||
                      |                             |||

              ._____    __.        _____.   ______    ______
              | ___/____\ l________\____l___\ ___/____\ ___/_.
           ___l____.      _/          _/      \__       _/   l__
           \__     l ___       ___       ___       ___       __/
             (_______) (_______) (_______) (_______) (_______)

                            s t a g e  d i v e
                      ___.    ___.     ___.      ______
                  ____\__l____\__l_____\ _|______\ ___/_.
                __\   __/                \|        _/   l__
                \__       ___       ___   \/  ___       __/
               e^D(_______) (_______) (_______) (_______)g®m

                                   .___.        ||||||||||||
                   observe! -->  __|___|__      ||||||||||||
                               _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                               |  ___"     |     \________/
                               |  \___  __ |         ||
                               |    ____// |         ||
                            ____\_________/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | stash                       |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                    to stash |||
                      |                             |||

                            .__(          )__.
                            |                |
                            |                |
              ._____    ___.¦      _____.   ._____    ___.
              | ___/__._\  l____.__\___ l_._| ___/__._\ _l____.
         _ ___l____.  |    _/   |    _/   | l____.  |   \_    |_ _
         \\\__     l _l_       _l_       _l_     l _l____/   __///
             (_______) (_______) (_______) (_______)g®m /____)
                            .                .
                            | epsilon^design |
                            |___          ___|

                                 ___((____      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
                   ._______.   _/         \_    ||||||||||||
                   |       |   |           |    ||||||||||||
                   | d'oh! |   |     _     |    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                   |_______| /\/  ___"    /\/    \________/
                         |     |  \______  |         ||
                         |___  |  |  o  |  |         ||
                            ____\_|_____|_/____      ||
                   ______ _/        \_/        \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|         /^\         |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        /   \        |        |
                 |        |       /     \       |        |
                  \______/|       \     /       |\______/
                        ___\_______\   /_______/___  ||
                      _/            \_/            \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | stratos!                    |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                 to stratos! |||
                      |                             |||

    ._________                                       _  _ ______________
    | _______/______ _  _                                    _   ______/___.
  ._l________.   __.      ______     ______  __.       ______\\\_______.   |
  |          | __\ l______\__  /_____\__  /__\ l_______\    /__        |   |
  |          | \_  __/  ____|   ___   _/  ___  __/  ___  ||  _/        |   |
  |    _     |  /_______\   l___\ /_______\ /_______\ /______\         |   |
__| g®m/     |    __ _ __ _                         _ __ _ __          |   l__
\__   /e^D   l   __////                                 \\\\__         l   __/
  /______________\                                           /_____________\

                               /       \
                             _/ /\_     \_
              .___________. (_\/ |/      |      |:|¦|.:|.|¦.
              |           |      |_______|      ||||||||||||
              | h o - h o |     (_________)     ||||||||||||
              |___________|    _/         \_    |l¦|¦|¦|¦|l|
                        |      |  ___"     |     \________/
                        |      |\_\___ ___/|         ||
                        |___   |           |         ||
                            ____\   o     /____      ||
                   ______ _/     \       /     \_ ___||_
                 _/      \|       \     /       |/   ¯¯ \_
                 |        |        \   /        |        |
                 |        |         \_/         |        |
                  \______/|                     |\______/
                        ___\___________________/___  ||
                      _/                           \_||
                      |                             |||
                      | hypnorok (ikke teknorok:))  |||
                      |                             |||
                      |                   to frenzy |||
                      |                             |||

      ._\ _l_________
   ___|   \__       /_. ________________________________________________
.__\  |     |         | _______. ______________ ____. ______________   /__.
|   __|     |         |__ _    l______  ___   /__  .|______   . .  /__    |
|   \_______|       ____///_.____  __/_.\_______/__||   __/_. ` '  __/    |
|           |_______\       l______\   l___l       l____\   l______\      |
|       r                                                                 |
|  hYpnO        ____________   _____________       ._______               |
|       k     ._\   _.     / ._\           /_._____|      /               |
|             |   __ l    /__|      . .      |   __      /__.             |
|             |   \__.       |      | |      |   \__        |             |
|__       _ __|      |       |      | |      |     |        |___ _      __|
  /_______\\\________|      _l_             _l_____|        ___///______\
                  g®m|______\ /_____________\      |________\e^D

                     a n u t h a '  f I l O s  ( t m )

                       i s  c u m i n '  u p . . . .

     :                    _ ____                                     :
     :         _ __ _______ ____) _____  _ __________ ________       :
     :                    /______     /____         /_\ _____/___    :
     :          _ _______/      /    /    /        /   \_____   /    :
     :            ____/        /    /    /        /            /     :
  _ _:_ ___  _____/   ________/_________/________/____________/      :
     :                                           [ f i l o s ]       :
   _________                        b y                              :
___\_      /           _____ _ ___________     _________             :
\_________/           / ___/___   ____   /__  /        /        __.____
  |     |    .------ / /      /  /___/  /   \/        / ---.   (_______)
  !     _    : g®m  / /___   /  /   \  /             / '95 :  __·'''''`_
__-----(_)__ `-----/________/_________/_____\/      /------'  \_   _  __) 
\ __  _  ___)                               /______/ ·006       \__/  \_
 \_/ /__/     thanx, jorun! you made my day!                      \____/ 
  /    (_                                                          )).
· .
. ·
  :  legg merke til det fete-hidden-julefergå-ordet!
· ·      ||
: ¦      ||
¦ |      \/                                          .____________________ 
| |                                   ___________    | .\_____\_____\___. /
| |      Faen, esse.. jeg er helt     \        _/___ | |                |/|
| /      desperados!! Har du           \___________/ | / hva skjer nuh? / |
|/|    ______._____   sigarett-         |      |     |/| vil den snille | |
/ |   (____________)  tenner?!?!        |_     |     / | mannen i alpe- | /
| |  __'':`' ``` ''                 ___(__)-----___  | | lue få  viljen |/|
| |  \__:.·     ((·___ |           (___  ___   __ /  | | sin, eller vil / |
| /    /:.        ___/ |               \____\  /_/   | / han    brutalt | |
|/|    \__     ___\    |              ___)   \ \     |/| bli slått  ned | |
/ |     ||    (___  ---'              \_________\    / | & voldtatt for | /
| |   __|l_______/                       _/  __  \   | | så å bli ofret |/|
| |  /       l ((                        \__ \\   \  | | til  n'bugulu, / |
| / |  __     \                           /    \_  \.| / den  ondskaps- | |
|/| |  |\      \_       _ ___            /      |   ||/| fulle, aprikos | |
/ | |  |      __/\___._(_\___)          /       |  _|/ | aktige hotten- | /
| | |  |       |     |_ (/_)          _/       /   / | | tottguden, som |/|
| | |  |_______)-----'`----'          \_______/   /  | | ingen har sett / |
| / |__|(_   |                          \__  /___/   | / men   samtlige | |
|/| /  /\|  _|                            |  (__)    |/| innbyggere   i | |
/ | \\\\ |  \|                            |   |      / | den lille, øde | /
| |     /   /|                            |   |      | | landsbyen  som |/|
| |    /_____|__                      ___(\___|      | / er  strategisk / |
| /g®m  (_______)                    (_________)     |/| plassert   ett | |
|/l__________________________________________________/ | sted på elfen- | /
/___\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\__| benskysten har |/|
                                                         hørt om!?!?!?? / |
                                                         LES VIDERE!!!! | |
                                             _________________          | |
                                             \               /          | /
                   disse pokkers ordspillene  \             /__________ |/|
           _         går meg snart på mine     \______________________/ / |
   _______((_________   fokkings nerver,         |           |          | |
  (__________________)     esse...               |           |          | |
 ___``  ''' ``'  '``` _     ·                   __                      | /
 \   :.·:        __\_/__    ¦              ____(__)-------------__      |/|
  \__:.           \././____ |  er disse   /                   __ /      / |
    /::            ¯¯¯    / | SIGARETT-   \____   _________   /_/       | |
   /   .            _____/  |  TENNENE         \_/|/| |/| |\  \         | |
   \                \_      | gode nok?!   ~      |/| |/| |_\  \        | /
    \___    _________/      |      |      ~  ~~~~ (#) (#) (# \  \       |/|
     | |   /   __  |___  ---'      `--   ~~~~~  ~~  (#) (#)  /  /       / |
     | |   \__( /     /                     /\ ~ __~|/| |/| /  /        | |
   __| l_____________/                      ||   \_\|/|_|/|/  /\        | |
  /\\____/\                    sigarett-røyk''   __)         /  \__     | /
 /         \g®m                                  \__________/\___//     |/|
       _  _ __¦_________________________________________________________/ |
 ·_   _  _ ______\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\_____\__|
 :            |____________________________________________________
 ¦ -tHE  eND- |                                                    )____
 |            | if you didn't understand a kvekk of that joke, then    /·
 | g®m(©)1995 | consider yourself a lucky man! It suxx, believe me! __//
 |            |_____________________________________________________)
 |__        __|

 ___________   __ _                                                      _ __
 \         /   \ _____________________ _   _ ______________________________ /
__\    ___/    ¦\                                                          /¦
\__\___\_/     | ·                                                        · |
    |   |      | c r e d i t s :                                            |
    |___l_     |                                                            |
    ||  |      | m a i n  l a m e r ............. g r i m l o c k ( g ® m ) |
 __ ||..|      | r e t a r d s .................. s t r a t o s ! ( s t ! ) |
 |_\||__|_____ | ...................................... f a t a l ( f t l ) |
 |`\.__      / | .................................... d e s o t o ( d t o ) |
 l__|\______/ _|_........................................ n u p ! ( n u p ) |
    |  _|      |/.................................... s t y l e z ( s Y z ) ¦
    |_/   _____/ r e q u e s t - m u n s t a s .................... a c i d :
    ||  ___   /_ ................................................ f a t a l .
    | \_\ /    | .............................................. f r e n z y ·
    |_____\    | ...............................................n u r g l e |
    _/  \_  g®m| .................................................. s i z e :
   /|____|\ e^D| .............................................. s n u f f y |
   \_\__/_/    | .......................................... x c l u z i w e |
  _ __||__ _   | .............................. a n d  y o u r s  t r u l y |
  \\\____///   · i n s p i r a t i o n ................ f a t a l ( a . s ) |
               : ................................ x c l u z i w e ( a . g ) |
      e        | m u s i c a l  s u p p o r t ............ t h e  d o o r s |
               | ..................................... d a v i d  b o w i e |
      p        | .......................................... m i n i s t r y |
               | ............................................ l a i b a c h |
      s        | ......................... a p o p t y g m a  b e r z e r k |
               | ................................... a l i c e  c o o p e r |
      i        | .......................................... s u p e r t e d |
               | ........................................ l a i m b r a i n |
      l        | ........................................ b l o c k h e a d |
               | ................................................ j o r u n |
      o        | .................................... n e u r o d a n c e r |
               | .................................... b r a i n t u m o u r |
      n        | ................................. b o t h  d r e a m e r s ¦
               |                                                            ·
               | r e s p e c t s :                                          |
      d        |                                                            |
               | s t y l e z .... n u p ! ..... f a t a l ..... s n u f f y |
      e        | e l f i n ! ...... m a r k  r y d e r ........ d e s o t o |
               | p h a s e .... a c i d  k i d .... r e l i e f ... j e d i |
      s        | s t r a t o s ! ... t o m m y ! ... u - m a n .... g o z z |
               | b e h e m o t h .. t r e a c h .. p a y .. x c l u z i w e |
      i        · c h r o m b a c h e r .... j u a n ... 2 f a s t ... t b m |
               : z o m b i e ... t a n g o ... m a g z .... s c a r f a c e |
      g        ¦ c o u n t  z e r o .. f r a m e .. r a p i d ... m o g u e |
               | s a n d m a n ... h 2 o ... s t a s h .... c r u s a d e r |
      n        | h a r p o o n ... r a n x ... m u t e .... c e n o b i t e |
               |                                                            |
               | g r e e t i n g s :                                        |
      ©        |                                                            |
               |          e v e r y o n e  w i t h  a n  a m i g a          |
               | _ __ _                                              _ __ _ |
      9        | //                                                      \\ |
               ¦/ ____________________ _    _ _____________________________\¦
      5        /                                                            \

                           s a j b e r - l e g o
               _ ______________||   ._.   ||______________ _
               \\\_        ____|\___/|\___/|____        _///
         ·         \_______\ __|___/_|_\___|__ /_______/         ·
        _:_________ |     |\\ ______.o.______ //|     | _________:_
        \¦          |_____| \ \/////|o|\\\\\/ / |_____|          ¦/
         \            | |    \ \////lo|\\\\/ /    | l            /
         |\         _/  ¦\_   \_____________/   _/¦  \_         /|
     _ __|_\        |   . |    _|_________|_    | .   |        /_|__ _
         |          |_____|    \     Y     /    |_____|          |
         |          / _ _ /\   /\____|____/\   /\ _ _ \          |
         |          \_\_\_\  _/     / \     \_  /_/_/_/          |
      ___|________           \_____/   \_____/            _______|_
     /          _ \           |    |    |    |           / _       \
    /           /  \         _|____|    |____|_         /  \        \
  _/           /\  /         |__   |    |   __|         \  /\        \_
  |             |\/          |_/   |    |   \_|          \/|          |
  |             |         ___|l    |    |    l|___         |          |
__|_____________|___    _/_ _ _ _ _|g®m/|_ _ _ _ _\_    ___|__________|__
\_________________ /    |__________|e^D |__________|    \ ______________/
  \              |/                                      \|  _________/___.
   \             |       e    s    s    a    g    e      _l_____________  |
  __\            l____ _                             _ __\             |  |__
  \____\/          __///      m/ julenisse luer      \\\___            l  __/
       /___________)                                      (_______________)
         .                                                       .
         ¦                                                       ¦
         |                                                       |
         | mark ryder >> din nye colly var JÆVLIG kul!  Jeg  deg |
         |               (flørt) og  dine  herlige  texter!!  Du |
         |               vil vel ikke  supplie  skoleavisa  hvor |
         |               Jorun  og  jeg  er redaktører med slike |
         |               små  historier? En  i  hvert nummer, or |
         |               sumthin'?!   Hehe..    militærer   gjør |
         |               homoer av oss alle! Ja, deg oxo!! =]    |
         |                                                       |
         | fatal      >> her har du min  første  colly  innenfor |
         |               e^D's trygge vegger... ah..  Basen  din |
         |               er så flott, at jeg nesten  runker  til |
         |               scrollbacken!! Nuuu tsjitt!             |
         |                                                       |
         | stratos!   >> gratulerer med din nye gruppe! Skal  vi |
         |               lage en coop zu sammen soon? Acid & jeg |
         |               møter det hver gang vi er i Oslo..hihi! |
         |                                                       |
         | tommy!     >> JAa! Jeg vil kjøpe dine lego-sheets!!!! |
         |               Send dem til meg!!! he-he-he...         |
         |               btw: din nye style kicket ass!
         |                                                       |
         | chrombacher>> apoptygma berzerk rrrrruuuuulllleeer!!! |
         |                                                       |
         | nup!       >> whue' iz dat cully gRt wuz sUpøewsed  2 |
         |               Ç®^(h? a' U leizy o' zumthin'?? ¦]      |
         |                                                       |
         | stylez     >> forgot to make you a dewd.. hehe.. will |
         |               make  it....  some  day..  phukk,  your |
         |               collies take my (bad) breath far away!! |
         |                                                       |
         | xcluziwe   >> azxski g^zette was really lego!! Layout |
         |               og module er på vei!                    |
         |                                                       |
         | dezzoto    >> thanx for the loooogo! du skal få  litt |
         |               deilig urin-sex på TG96.. promise!      |
         |                                                       |
         | snuffy     >> jeg advarte deg med tanke på  min  late |
         |               swappe-speed..  hehe..  bboys  logo  er |
         |               available i DENNE collyen! BumtiHum..   |
         |                                                       |
         | elfin      >> faen, jeg gleder meg til din neste  re- |
         |               lease.. kan du ikke  bruke  dine  gamle |
         |               (sinnsykt kule) stiler? De er jo helt i |
         |               en klasse for seg selv! Kyss, kyss!     |
         |                                                       |
         | jedi       >> coooomeeeeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!! |
         |                                                       |
         | magz       >> wallhall (tm) er verdens beste door! Du |
         |               er amix-kongen! hihi... drikke, drikke! |
         |                                                       |
         | mute       >> dine messys er litt rare.....,.nycolly? |
         |                                                       |
         | all e^D'ers>> jeg elsker dere! hvis dere ikke fikk en |
         |               logo i denne collyen, så er  det  fordi |
         |               jeg ikke fikk tid! Vent til neste gang! |
_________|                                                       |___________
         ¦                                                       ¦
         :                                                       :
         .                                                       .

   .____\                                                          /____.
   |                                                                    |
   |                           A product of                             |
   !_______.   ________.   _________      _____.    _______.      .____.!
  ._\___   l___\       l___\  _.   / _____\    l____\_____ l______|    l_.
  |    |          . .       _  l  /__\    /\            _/        |      |
__|    |          | |       \__.                                  l      |__
\______|    ____       ________|    ____       _____       ___________  ___/
   |g®ml____)  (_______)       l____)  (_______)   (_______)   /________)
   |                                                                    |
   |                         N  O  R  W  A  Y                           |
   |                                                                    |
   |              The Land Of Supreme and Royal Ascii-Art               |
   |                                                                    |
   |                                                                    |
   |                                                                    |
   |      _                                                      _      |
   |      (·) Elfin - Stratos! - Grimlock -  Magz - Mark Ryder (·)      |
   |            _                                           _           |
   |            (·) Mute - Snuffy - Jedi - Tsar1 - Woober (·)           |
   |                                                                    |
   |____                                                            ____|

                    __                              __
              _  _ __/_______________________________/__ _  _
                    /                               /

                                  c a l l

                        · a n o t h e r  s t e p ·

                     e p s i l o n  d e s i g n  w h q

                             ++46 213 330 975

                      a n d  o f  c o u r s e  a l l 

 s h o o t  ½½ g r o t e s t i c l e ½½ e ^ d ½½ g r i m l o c k  ( t g )

                      b o a r d s  w o r l d w i d e

                    __                              __
              _  _ __/_______________________________/__ _  _
                    /                               /

      /  \
     / _  \_
    / /\   |
  _/ /     |
 (_\/|     |
     ||  ..|
   \_|  ___ _    /                                                       
_/\__| /   (____/_______________________________________________________/\_
.__\ l|  \_  \_                                                        /__.
|   \ |       |                                                       /   |
|  __\ \.     |                                                      /__  |
|    g®ml_    |            _                                              |
|   e^D  \   _|            a  h a p p i  n e w  k r i s t m u s           |
|         \  /___          _      _                                       |
|          \____/          a n d  a                                       |
|                                                  _                      |
|  __                      m e r r a '  g e w d  y e a '              __  |
|   /                                                                 \   |
|__/                                                                   \__|
_ /_____________________________________________________________________\ _
\/                                                                       \/
